

At 8.17%, Ethiopia has the second lowest level of access to basic hand hygiene services amongst all countries surveyed. Forward progress was negligible between 2015 and 2020, increasing only 0.35%. However, Ethiopia has begun making progress recently, scoring 2.44 and 2.11 on the HHAFT Tracker and Assessment’s 4-point score, respectively. HH is part of the Ministry of Health’s Five- Year strategy, and progress may accelerate significantly with implementation of the HH roadmap based on a situational and needs assessment.


Prepare for Action2.60
Analyse the Situation / Assess the Need2.50
Prioritise Actions2.60
Execute Plans2.00
Monitor, Evaluate and Course Correct2.50

Ethiopia launched the HH4A roadmap in August 2022. Ethiopia made significant strides in preparing for action as well as analyzing the HH situation and needs within the country through a baseline conducted with qualitative and quantitative assessment tools. Ethiopia has national indicators and targets for HH, and a national action plan with KPIs was created and included in the roadmap, though specific regional and zonal action plans have yet to be created.


Data and Information2.50
Capacity Development1.00

Ethiopia created and utilized a country-specific and customized costing tool, budget, and financing strategy for the roadmap. The country plans to cover 71% of costs from households. Ethiopia also identified the Ministry of Health as the lead ministry, in collaboration with the ministries of Water and Education, as well as other sector partners. It will use its existing coordination platforms as the HH coordinating mechanism. Institutional arrangements have been discussed, and key actors, sectors, and settings to engage have been identified. The private sector was identified as one of the key stakeholders, and conversations have been initiated, but progress around innovation remains a gap. Under the roadmap, Ethiopia will align the M&E framework with the current DHIS2, and not prepare a separate framework.