The Hand Hygiene for All Initiative is a call to action for a whole-of-society approach to accelerate progress towards universal hand hygiene by 2030.
Learn more about our vision of hand hygiene for all and explore hand hygiene case studies.
Use our partner resources to take action on hand hygiene.
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COVID-19 has placed a spotlight on the need for hand hygiene in all sectors. With this, there is a need to inspire, engage and coordinate hand hygiene access and improvement. The Hand Hygiene for All Initiative is focused on four pillars.

Political leadership
High-level political leadership from national and local governments to develop and implement comprehensive country roadmaps for hand hygiene.

Hand hygiene facilities and supplies are accessible and affordable through product and supply chain innovation.

Behavior Change
Programs are evidence-based and support hand hygiene habit formation.

Enabling Environment
Universal hand hygiene is supported by appropriate policies and strategies, financing, capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation.