The hand hygiene sector in Cameroon is at a nascent state, with approximately 35% of Cameroonians having access to a basic hand hygiene service. This level has not changed significantly from 2015 to 2020. The low progress seen in Cameroon is reflective of its scores 0.33 and 0.33 on the HHAFT Tracker and Assessment’s 4-point scale, respectively. With recent progress in the announcement of developing a hygiene code, and early discussions on financing, the country may see strong gains in the coming years. A key recommendation for the government of Cameroon is to focus on developing a costed hand hygiene roadmap and identifying funding to resource its implementation.


Milestone | 2023 |
Prepare for Action | 0.60 |
Analyse the Situation / Assess the Need | 0.25 |
Prioritise Actions | 0.20 |
Execute Plans | 0.33 |
Monitor, Evaluate and Course Correct | 0.25 |
Average | 0.33 |
The Ministry of Public Health put forward the Hygiene Code for elaboration in 2022. This will provide a framework for the hygiene sector, including coordination structures, indicators, budget, and monitoring, and be a strong foundation for developing hand hygiene policy environments. For other parameters, it is too early in Cameroon’s hand hygiene sector development to assess progress.

Parameter | 2023 |
Governance | 0.40 |
Financing | 0.00 |
Data and Information | 0.25 |
Capacity Development | 0.50 |
Innovation | 0.50 |
Average | 0.33 |
The Ministry of Public Health put forward the Hygiene Code for elaboration in 2022. This will provide a framework for the hygiene sector, including coordination structures, indicators, budget, and monitoring, and be a strong foundation for developing hand hygiene policy environments. For other parameters, it is too early in Cameroon’s hand hygiene sector development to assess progress.